Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Hasbro Groot Marvel Legend VS EBay Knockoff

I was browsing Legends on EBay this morning and was taken by surprise when I saw all these Groot BAFs selling for under $10. When I actually clicked on one of the listings it was pretty easy to figure out what was going on, they're knockoff figures. I have never bought a knockoff figure but I thought about getting one of these Groots until I did a little research. 

On EBay, the knockoff looks pretty decent and it's like $8. How you can ship anything internationally for that cheap is beyond me...well not really, I know there is some kind of trade agreement/Gov. subsidy going on. Considering that you had to buy 6 other figures at $20 a pop to complete the real Groot BAF, the knockoff may be a good option for some. Looking at the two figures side by side I can tell which is real and which is fake right away. I am too anal to collect the knockoff but let's look at the differences between the two and you can judge for yourself.

Compared to the real Groot the knockoff...

  • Is shorter (easiest way to tell the difference)
  • Has plastic that looks shinier than original
  • Has more green on the chest and face
  • Has less detail, original has detailed branches around the shoulders
  • The torso rotates but doesn't move back and forth
  • Has less movement in legs
  • The legs are swapped, right is on left and vise versa
  • The feet do not move 
  • The arms have less movement
  • The elbows are not double jointed
  • Has silver screws in the elbow joint instead of plastic pins
  • Has no articulation in wrist

Hasbro Groot vs knockoff

can't fault collectors for buying the knockoff over spending $120 to build the original but you will get what you pay for. If you aren't worried about the articulation so much than maybe this is the option for you. I did notice that the pictures on EBay do not look like the actual figure I have seen people receive online, the silver screws are not pictured and it looks less green then it really is.  

If you want to purchase the knockoff you can get them here

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